[LargeFormat] lightweight 300mm enlarging/copy/repro lens?

Michael Sullivan largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 19 16:19:29 2004

Dear Jim,

Interesting. I just went to Rodenstock's website 
(http://www.rodenstockoptics.de/pg3.html) and at the bottom of that 
page they claim that their PROCESS LENSES are optimized for 3:1 to 1:3, 
so it would seem to fit the bill nicely!

The remaining key question then is: what does your Apo-Ronar 300mm 


On Mar 19, 2004, at 3:58 PM, Jim Hemenway wrote:

> Hi Michael:
> I don't know enough about the specs of most lenses to give you a 
> useful answer.  It was used as a process lens so I guess that it's 
> indeed made for 1:1.  I had missed the 3:1 part of your message, 
> sorry.
> Jim