[LargeFormat] Shutterless lens usage

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sun Oct 19 22:14:41 2003

At 21:12 17/10/2003 -0400, LNphoto wrote:
>there is something called a country shutter.
>I've made fancier versions , but the useful one is made up of a ruler (or 
>paint stick)
>attached to an empty 4x5 film holder box, preferably a 50 sheet version.
>It's long been rumored that the best boxes for this were the original 
>verichrome boxes made from virgin timber back in the 40s but I've found 
>common Tmax boxes work okay too.
>the idea is to "hang" the shutter on the lens, carefully pull the 
>darkslide, pick up the handle and pull the box away from, but still in 
>front of the shuttre.  Now with a 'flick of the wrist"  lift up and 
>back.  With practice you can get it down to about 1/8 of a second.  I made 
>one for a portrait photographer friend with an LED light that blinked off 
>the seconds.  For fast lenses I've gone so far as to line the box with 
>velvet...darn black stuff.


I have lost count of the number of people who have been introduced to your 
country shutter!

It has been an essential part of all the f32 large format workshops.
