[LargeFormat] Removing black spots from prints

Wilkes, Don MSER:EX largeformat@f32.net
Wed Oct 15 17:15:09 2003

The bane of LF has come to bite me in the posterior: dust.  Close inspection
reveals that a couple of small dust particles must have been clinging to the
surface of the 4x5 sheet when I exposed it, resulting in black spots on the
print. Naturally, according to the rules of large format, these appear in a
large, smooth area of uniform sky...

Does anyone have experience in dealing with this sort of problem?  I don't
want to retouch the neg itself -- it's fairly important to me -- so I'm
thinking the route to follow will likely be bleaching and (probably)
subsequent spotting.  At the moment, I'm using Ilford MG RC, and I have
little idea how it reacts to bleaching (nor spotting, for that matter --
it's never been my forte).  If it comes to it, I'd consider switching over
to fiber-based paper, I guess, but hope that isn't necessary.

Digital workflow would solve it, but it's not an option, both for monetary
and personal preference reasons.

One thing that's worrying me is the first of the batch that I loaded for the
Yosemite trip...I haven't souped the others yet, as I wanted to ensure
everything was tickety-boo with my processing first.  Also, I've been both
unusually busy and not feeling all that terrific lately.  Don't want to rush
nor fumble what may be the only negs I have of that perhaps
once-in-a-lifetime trip.

God, I hate dust...

\donw in Victoria, B.C.