[Jacob-list] Crook

Heather Hettick hettick.1 at osu.edu
Wed Nov 3 11:19:09 EDT 2010

I use a hickory crook I got from Lehman's hardware in Kidron, OH. It's
pretty old and still works but the hook got looser over time from being left
out in the barn all the time. I bought a new one, but haven't really had to
use it and it's nice to have a clean/pretty one for more public situations.

My son likes to "hook" them and then I step in and grab the sheep more
securely. He's only 8 but it slows them down enough that I can catch them
and he likes to be helpful. He can usually catch lambs himself though.

Heather Hettick
Moonstruck Farm
Creston, OH

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