[Jacob-list] Update on Jacob Ram

pegvanbeek at msn.com pegvanbeek at msn.com
Tue Jan 5 19:45:29 EST 2010

Well it is day 3, we put him outside in the barn because the basement has too hard of a floor and it was too warm. The vet said he needed to be deeply bedded and should get outside asap. So he is in the sheep barn with heat lamps and deeply bedded in straw. He is laying with his front legs underneath him and his back legs to the side. He does try to get up to re-position himself. I am watching him via
camera. He is eating grain and hay. Looks alert. He has had 2 cc of dex on Monday. This morning his temp was 103.7 so we began giving him LA200 and Penicillin. We also giving him B vit.
His temp this evening was 104. He is not breathing heavy but I am concerned of pneumonia so I trying to make a sling. The suggestion of the cart and rubber sheeting gave me idea of using bed sheets and rigging them to the ceiling of the barn so he can move around.

I still for the life of me how this shed could flip and fall on him what are the chances. It is not a real big shed just 4x8 with a roof that extends which must of acted as an umbrella. On top of that I just put him in that paddock two days prior. The saving grace was his horns which held the shed off his head and most of his body. Thank goodness he has nice wide horns.

I also want to say thank you for all your help. I don't know what I would do without this list.


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