[Jacob-list] Catching Rams

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 8 17:18:35 EDT 2009

We also put them in a small pen to catch them. Food always gets them in
there. Then I grab a horn when I can which leads me to the following

I do have a question about using horns as handles when moving the rams. A
friend of mine raises Icelandics and never touches the horns. One time I
was helping her at the local fair and I was holding two rams back while she
put out their feed. I had each by their horns, one ram on each side of me.
She didn't like that. I guess I was suppose to wrap my arms around their
neck or something. Then I would've been hit in the face by the horn curl
or hit in the knees. Ouch! I think the belief is that if you grab the
horns or lead them around by the horns then that makes the rams aggressive.
Could be true because I haven't seen an aggressive ram at my friend's
place. I would rather risk some aggression rather than having my knees hit
when the ram swings his head. When I grab the horns, they are under
control. I also use a halter and lead, but I have that in one hand and a
horn in the other hand. Works for me. I would like opinions from others
about using the horns to control a ram. My friend uses just a halter and
heavy lead.

Moscow, Idaho

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