[Jacob-list] Lambing has begun!

Joy Thomas, SonRise Farm shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 23 19:02:24 EDT 2008

Our first lamb arrived on the first day of Spring - a
ewe lamb to Fay's The Dutchess. 9 pounds! Doing great!

Our second lamb arrived yesterday - a 10 pound ram
lamb, Son Rise Ranger, to my daughter's ewe

One more to go! (We only bred three this year due to
drought and hay shortage. Was a good thing, husband
was laid off in January).

Have been enjoying reading the posts. Our smallest
Jacob lamb was a twin 5 pounds. Largest was 11 pounds,
a ram lamb.

Sorry I haven't been posting more. Things around here
have been incredibly busy and stressful the last
couple of weeks. Our son was kicked by our horse in
the jaw on 3/10. Four hours of reconstructive surgery
(plate and screws in his jaw), five days in ICU, on
respirator for 3 days, two transfusions, moved to
regular room for a day and home last Monday. His mouth
is wired shut until 4/10, then elastics for 2-3 weeks,
then he'll get the "appliance" out of his mouth in a
day surgery. We are very thankful. No paralysis, no
damage to his sinuses, eyes, ear on side of kick.

Question on registration - is there is percentage of
light to dark wool required for registration? This
year's lambs have been light so far. Lovely
conformation, leggy, gorgeous heads (looks like ram
will be a four horn), but they have white legs, hooves
and not too many spots.

Happy Easter all! I need to check dinner and make sure
the blender is clean to puree son's food. He's on an
all liquid diet.

Joy T.

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