[Jacob-list] Hunting Sheep & PETA

paintedrockfarm at aol.com paintedrockfarm at aol.com
Fri Mar 14 14:55:14 EDT 2008

Just a small offering....

I DO hunt and am an active hunter -- I am also eat what I kill, although I do personally prefer to leave the "cleaning" parts to my husband.? This means deer, turkey AND sheep but I do not "hunt" my sheep like I would wild game.? I consider myself a? responsible and ethical hunter and the same for sheep breeding.? I patiently wait?until I KNOW I have a clean shot and expect a quick kill to follow.? I prefer venison over other red meats, unless we have raised it ourselves or, at the very least, know the farm from whence it came (such as our beef).? I prefer NOT to buy meat from stores, opting for our small town local butcher and so thankful we have this option!? The same goes for our eggs....:)

Linda makes some excellent points about culls "coming around again".? At my farm, when we make cull decisions, we insure a cull is killed -- fortunately, we do have an excellent customer base for lamb.? In the 8-9 years we have raised Jacobs, we have NEVER taken an animal to auction.? Our local ones tend to be less than honest about prices, among other things and,?all too?often we have?seen or heard of animals intended for slaughter get purchased and taken off the meat market for private homes or other use.? I'm sure this would include "hunts", if we had taken Jacobs there so have elected not to use the auction market for any reason.

And for PETA, this is NOT a can of worms you wish to open.? PETA is NOT what they seem, nor what are promoted. ?Do some homework OFF the PETA website for the real truths about this group.? Did I mention they are on a "watch" list for terrorist type activity?? Oh yes, they are and what they do behind the scenes is rather scary.? I worked with a local Humane Society for several years and learned first hand what the real PETA is.? This is the group who wants to actually ban shearing (and other practices) in Australia and New Zealand.? OK -- can we say nuts???

As for me, I proudly wear my own PETA shirt.? It reads People Eating Tasty Animals.? Perhaps not the most sensitive message but if you eat meat of any kind, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. or wear leather (check your shoes, purses, belts, etc.) than you consume some
form of animal products.? I choose to do so and anyone may choose NOT to -- that, is my thought on liberty.? Let's not confuse liberty with freedom...that is another soap box.

Cheryl Terrano
Painted Rock Farm
Buckhannon, WV

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net>
To: JACI SIEHL <wedohoney at sbcglobal.net>; Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
Sent: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 8:55 pm
Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] Hunting Sheep

Excellent points, Jaci.

And here's a question - where is everyone taking their cull rams? Are you taking them to an auction where they may end returning to the breeding population? ?Remember we have an open flock book - your culls can come back and be presented for registration. Or where they may go someplace where they are not humanely treated? I used to hunt - mostly birds (I love bird dogs) and deer. I honestly don't know anything about canned hunts, but I know it's possible in the wild to wound an animal and not be able to find it. I think maybe in canned hunts where someone is paying uptiddy dollars, at least we know the animal has been recovered. How many of you have a healthy ethnic market for your sheep? ?Is that horrible? ?How many of you would be thrilled to get $300 for your cull ram lambs? I would. I'm not raising pets - I'm raising livestock.


Is this "deja vu all over again?". ?Didn't we do this ebay thing 3 weeks or so ago? ?There's really only one ram there (the one with the horrible forward horns) that could be considered a Jacob. Peggy, please don't get PETA involved. Wasn't it PETA that burned the Lasseau barn with the sheep inside?





Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

> Ok - I don't mean to make enemies but I do have a couple

> observations and comments regarding these hunts.? I kept quiet on

> the last round of postings about the hunt clubs, but I can't keep

> quiet any longer.


> First I think it very interesting that many of the sheep appear to

> have been freshly sheared......odd, huh?


> Now for the part many of you won't like.? Many of the rams in the

> pictures have horns that would not allow them to be registered and

> something none of us trying to preserve the breed would want to use

> as a herd sire.? So, that being said, what would have become of the

> ram if not?at the hunting club?? Into someone's freezer, with the

> pelt and maybe the head processed and sold to a customer.?


> I use to hunt and really enjoyed it - but I now prefer to eat meat

> that has been humanly slaughtered and not taken by hunting.? That

> is my choice.


> I know that many more wild animals would starve to death if some of

> the populations were not controlled by hunting, or the predators

> would become too numerous and dangerous to man.? I believe in our

> right to hunt - I don't want anyone to take that away from me or

> anyone else.....my heart breaks when I think of some animal I am

> close to like Jacob sheep being hunted - but I can't be a hypocrite

> and say it is ok to hunt bears, coyotes, or mountain lions because

> they are eating our sheep and not think that the same should hold

> true for other animals.? I don't believe in waste in taking any

> life - I don't' even kill mice - I catch and move them.


> We all get emotional because we are close to this breed - but are

> they so different from the big horn sheep in the wild?? Remember in

> some cultures they wouldn't eat a cow if their life depended on it

> and in others horse and dog are a part of their regular diet.


> Hunting is a right and if we don't agree with it all we can do is

> not hunt and?not knowingly supply animals to to be hunted.? Hunting

> clubs are similar to fishing farm-raised fish - whether in a big

> lake or some pond at the farm, but?how many?get emotional over

> catching a trout?


> OK - I'm stepping off my soap box now - I just hope you remember

> that an opinion is not the same as a right and we must defend our

> rights.

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