[Jacob-list] Any Advice... Sick Sheep

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Tue Jun 17 18:30:45 EDT 2008

Years ago, I had a ram get tangled in the electric fence and suffer enough nerve damage that he couldn't stand and could only barely move his head. Obviously nothing like the problem with your ewe, but the vet's advice has stayed with me for these last 10 years. "sometimes all you can do is keep them alive until they get better." He felt that my Jacob ram was doing his best to survive, unlike the commercial breeds he'd previously dealt with. Sometimes that is all you can do when you can't determine a cause. The only thing my vet recommended for stress that I don't see that you're doing was B complex injections.

BTW - my ram, after 2 weeks, did finally stand and, although he walked with a slight tilt, was fine. Well, until I saw his lambs! Then he was sausage - very expensive sausage.


from: Gotothewhip at aol.com,

I have NO OTHER sick sheep in the flock.. even her

> buddy who has been in the pen with her all along. The sick one did

> have a 104.0 fever last night, so we dosed her with Banamine

> again.... Vet is at a loss of what to do next. More antibiotics?

> or?


> Any advice?

Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

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