[Jacob-list] Grass Tetany or Magnesium Deficiency

Neal and Louise Grose nlgrose at yadtel.net
Tue Jan 22 05:26:08 EST 2008

It is probably too late to get the necropsy done now unless the ewe has been
"on ice". But I recommend that you find out if you have a state lab that
will do them for free. We are fortunate to live 20 minutes from a lab.

We had a bout with copper toxicity several years ago, ewes went into labor
and had difficult deliveries, didn't clean off and then died on the weekend.
By the time I could get the body to the lab on Monday, they were
characterized as "too decomposed for analysis".

I resorted to putting a ewe that was going down in the back of the truck and
letting her die en route before we got a good diagnosis - THEN it was
obvious. Oddly enough, we never lost a Jacob to copper toxicity, only the

One additional note, if you lose one for neurological symptoms, call them in
on an emergency basis. They get real concerned when rabies may have been the
culprit and you have been treating the animal.

Neal Grose
North Carolina

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