[Jacob-list] Jacob-list Digest, Vol 42, Issue 47

CARL FOSBRINK carlfosbrink at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 28 15:27:06 EST 2008

I agree with Karen that using a 4H ram with top horns that sweep back would be the best option. I'm not sure about a 2H ram because you don't know what he is carrying unless you know his sire and dam. Sometimes a horn can get bumped before it has set to the skull and this can cause it to change direction of growth. We have a very nice ewe that has one forward horn and in seven lambings she has never thrown a forward horned lamb. This makes me think the forward horn was bumped before set and that caused it to grow forward.

BIDE WEE <bidewee at aol.com> wrote: In a message dated 02/28/08 09:16:28 Pacific Standard Time, jacob-list-request at jacobsheep.com writes:
Are forward curving horns passed on?

We have a 4 horn 2 year old ewe with top forward curving horns. They're
beautiful, strong horns, they just point in the wrong direction. Mother is a
nice four horn, father was passing thru, but he seemed to have good horns.

We're unsure what to do with her. Freezer?
Hi Kathey,
Forward horns can definitely be passed on to offspring but if your ewe's horns aren't causing her problems (i.e. preventing her from eating) and if everything else about her is nice, you can breed her to a 2 horn ram or a 4 horn ram with horns that sweep well back and that should minimize the risk of passing the forward horns on. That said, I'd not recommend using a ram with forward horns.
Karen Lobb

bide a wee farm
registered Jacob and Navajo-Churro sheep
19562 NE Calkins Lane, Newberg, OR 97132
503-538-7987 ~ karen at bideaweefarm.com

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Carl and Judy Fosbrink
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