[Jacob-list] grain, etc.

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at sover.net
Fri Oct 26 16:19:32 EDT 2007

I read early on in a sheep book that barley in pregnant sheep can cause metabolic disorders: probably talking about sensitive standardized breeds, but I have shied away from it because of that. I use a premixed bag of corn, wheat, and soy beans, organic: they get about two tablespoons a piece now, and work up to maybe l/2 cup while lactating, for the first month, then reduced again, so that by June they are down to 2 T. again...candy, basically. I have never flushed nor run them next to the rams before it's time for breeding groups. In twelve years, I think I've had three ewes each NOT breed once. They are in for exactly 18 days and not a day longer, because i don't want lambing to last more than 3 weeks. too intense, though that's just me: I check at 9 p.m., then go to bed until 6 a.m. Have lost 3 lambs in last 11 years. Works for me.
Betty, in Vermont,who now has a blog, thanks to help from Walter and Linda. See Betty's blog at http://sheepwoman.wordpress.com.
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