[Jacob-list] A 5 or 6h ram lamb

JACI SIEHL wedohoney at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 13 13:12:45 EDT 2007

In spite of the fact that I did lose two lambs, I do have e very nice lambs. A 2h and a 4h ewe. My ram, which I thought was a 4h is turning out to be a 5 or 6h. He is almost a month old and what I thought was a black spot on the right side of his head is actually a very nice horn. And there is a small bump on the left side that I hope will turn out to be a nice horn.

How common is it to get a 5 or 6 horned ram? Is this a good thing or a bad thing as far as breed development? I know it is a good thing as far as exhibiting him to the public - but what about competition?

He is intact as I wanted to use him next year - how soon do I need to separate him out from the ewes? I don't want any surprises as my lambing schedule needs to be fairly exact so I have very young lambs for my fair in May.

Last question - When could I put my ram lamb in with my yearling ram? If Rowdy does develop 5 or 6 horns, I really don't want them damaged, if I can help it.
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