[Jacob-list] lambs

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at sover.net
Sun May 6 12:13:44 EDT 2007

Some of my lambs are now posted on my website, www.maplehilljacobs.com. This website thing is almost as much fun as the blog. Wednesday, I got two little baby piglets to raise for meat. This is a new adventure. I'm taming them up some now, so they don't bolt when they get out in their eventual pen/paddocks behind the house. For the time being, they are in a small space, and have made progress.

Meanwhile, yesterday the ewes and lambs went out on pasture. How great it was to wake up without them caterwauling for hay and grain. They had lovely grass to eat. It's still growing pretty slowly, still below freezing at night, but they are out there. I'll just have to move them every day or two, til the grass comes in faster and thicker.
Betty, in Vermont,who now has a blog, thanks to help from Walter and Linda. See Betty's blog at http://sheepwoman.wordpress.com.
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