[Jacob-list] Lambs

southwindfarms@frontiernet.net SOUTHWINDFARMS at frontiernet.net
Fri Mar 16 08:13:31 EDT 2007

Hi All,

I have been lambing out my 25 bred ewes and am nearing the end (six to
go). The past few years I have had 2 sets of triplets each year,
always from different ewes. So far this year we have four sets of
triplets, two coming from the same two ewes who gave us triplets last
year. One of the six remaining ewes gave me triplets once before and
is as big as a house. You can see our lambs at

I have had Jacobs since 1989 and thought triplets very rare until the
past 3 or 4 years and then thought 2 sets a year were quite a bit.
None of the triplet mothers have been a triplet themselves although
several have been related to each other.

Laura/Southwind Farms

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