[Jacob-list] "pinking" Re: Lambing -HELP

Joy Thomas, SonRise Farm shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 13 13:46:28 EDT 2007

If I did not observe bleeding, mucus oozing from
vulval area, signs of a broken sack hanging out,
grinding teeth (like ewe was in severe pain), I would
not do an internal examination. I would think the ewe
was just trying to relieve pressure of labor! I
remember a low back rub felt REALLY good when my older
daughter was born. Flopping could be nature's way of
getting a lamb exactly into position for birth.
Gravity works well for this! <grin>

> What would you consider a possible cause for

> the bottom-rubbing and "flopping"?

Remember, the major part of a ewe's labor is what the
Laura Lawson "Managing Your Ewe and her newborn lambs"
book calls "invisible".

Only after the ewe has started to push do I start my
"clock" ticking. If I have not had a lamb presented
after 35-40 minutes, THEN I would clean my hands,
remove jewelry and do an internal examination for a
malpresented lamb. Especially in first-time lambing,
the ewes are experiencing all kinds of new sensations.

Most of my ewes deliver without my even being there!
We look out to pasture to mama and lamb with ewe
giving her "look what I did!" appearance.

I WOULD keep an eye on her!

Joy T in NC

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