[Jacob-list] general sheep questions

Paige Bowser paigebowser at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 14:40:54 EDT 2007

Thank you all for all of that information, I will definately check into the
whole crimson clover thing before I plant that! It would not be easy to
take them off of it as we only have so much room, and well, that would be

About the jaw - not that I know anything (obviously) but maybe the sheep has
gotten a criar or something stuck in the skin on the inside or outside? I
hate to speculate but knew a horse one time with a horrible abcess like
that, all over a little briar. He had it for several years before the
genius owner drained it. Ick. Good luck.

Paige Carwile Bowser
Abbeville, SC 29620
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