[Jacob-list] help??

Robert May newjerseyjacobs at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 25 09:33:36 EDT 2007

Good Morning Linda & Francis...

We've been raising CVMs and Jacobs for the past 5
years, and (other than at breeding tims) will have
Jacob ewes and CVM ewes together; Jacob rams and CVM
rams are also put together in a pasture.

I've never witnessed any "bullying" by the Jacobs
against the CVMS. The "normal" behavior of our two
breeds, is that the CVMs will tend to go off in a
group, and the Jacobs in another; however, at feeding
time, they all come running for the grain; but no

Our flock includes about 50 Jacobs and 20 CVMs, so
I've had plenty of opportunities to witness the
behavior of--at least--these two breeds.

Definitely don't judge the entire breed on the
behavior of two Jacobs.

Bob May
JSBA President
Swayze Inn Farm
Hope, NJ
--- Linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net> wrote:

> I hope someone that raises two breeds will jump in

> here. There a number of breeders on this list with

> two breeds.


> Two Jacobs isn't really enough to make a judgment.

> Maybe they came from the same farm and were spoiled

> (or were bottle babies) or were just from an

> aggressive line. Jacob Sheep are VERY individual,

> both in appearance and in attitude. I've got a

> couple of bully ewes, along with a number of very

> polite ewes. Some friendly ewes, some spooky ewes.

> Any time new sheep (of any breed, I'd guess) are

> introduced, they will establish a hierarchy.


> I believe there a number of Jacob breeders in your

> area. Check out http://www.jsba.org/northwest.htm

> The breeders will be able to help you choose a Jacob

> with the personality to fit your needs.


> Don't be turned off to Jacobs because of one

> person's experience with two Jacobs! They are great

> sheep!


> Linda


> www.patchworkfibers.com

> Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun

> Yarn



> > Talked to a breeder that raises Shetland and

> icelandic and she said

> > that Jacob sheep cannot be together with any other

> breed unless

> > they are raised together -they Jacob sheep is a

> bully, and butts

> > and eats all the food of the other sheep and they

> are not good with

> > other animals from her personal experience with

> two jacobs that she

> > had and they cause a Shetland Ewe to miscarriage.

> Can anyone

> > enlightened me please?

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