Grains? Re: [Jacob-list] thin ewe

Joy Thomas, SonRise Farm shepherdofspots at
Wed Sep 20 15:02:29 EDT 2006

Had another thought -- are you feeding sheep feed? I
wondered, since sheep cannot tolerate the copper found
in horse feeds.

Also, if you have a horse on your property and have a
mineral salt block with copper, and your sheep is
licking it, she may be suffering from copper toxicity.

I, too, give my sheep organic plain yogurt to help
boost their digestion when they are "off".

Joy T

            Joyce M. Thomas 
Son Rise Farm & Rabbitry, Creedmoor NC
  Jacob Sheep, Hand Spun Yarn, Fleece (seasonal) 
  Custom Knit & Triloom Woven Items
  American Fuzzy Lop & French Angora Rabbits (Fiber)
  Holland Lop & Netherland Dwarf Rabbits (Pets) 

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