[Jacob-list] Lamb diarrhea correction

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Tue May 16 11:53:55 EDT 2006

I thought about it and at 3 months old, your lamb isn't on milk anymore. 
Forget the goat's milk.  Sorry.  This could be from coccidia (bacteria),
I've never had a problem with that.  I would definitely do an antibiotic,
Pepto-Bismol, and live-cultured yogurt treatments.  Feed with a medicated
creep feed for lambs purchased at the feed store.  The medication combats
coccidia somewhat, but an appropriate antibiotic probably is needed.  I
would ask a vet if oxytetracycline is used for possible coccidia or
diarrhea in general.  The vet might suggestion something more appropriate
in your case.  I never had a lamb that old with scours.

I wouldn't ignore it, scours left untreated can permanently damage the
Moscow, Idaho

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