[Jacob-list] sheep bribes

Penelope pcj at efn.org
Sun Mar 19 10:34:09 EST 2006

On the whole showing idea, I know some folks have successfully bribed 
with grain.  I've bribed a couple of very tame sheep with Keebler 
chocolate chip cookies.  (Junk food, I know!)  Aside from the sugar 
thing, do any of you know if the chocolate is bad for sheep?  I know 
about dogs and chocolate, but what about sheep?  Do I need to switch 
to "Nilla Wafers, or some sort of sugar cookie?

"...Shine my life like a light..." (the indigo girls)
Penelope Jacob pcj at efn.org  penelope at dreamsandbones.net

The circle is open but unbroken.


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