[Jacob-list] Coughing lambs

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 11 20:15:47 EDT 2006

--Linda wrote:
>Yep, that's what I see when I look in Lawson's book, although it says 1 or
2.  It would be a pretty high dose for an adult (20 cc >for an adult ewe),
but I can see the reasoning behind being so aggressive towards pneumonia in
a newborn. 
So it can be less for an older lamb?  I need to get her other book, Lamb
Problems, so that I don't base everything on the needs of a newborn!  I'll
see if I can get a copy from Amazon.com.  Not only does she recommend
2cc/10 lbs, but give that twice for the first two days (page 309), that's 4
cc in one day for a 10 lb lamb!!  I thought that was a bit much, from my
limited experience with antibiotics, but it might save a very sick lamb. 
BTW, anybody have a newborn Jacob lamb weighing 10 lbs?  I don't have a
scale so I go by the weight of a 5 lb sack of flour.  I need to get some
scales too.  Laura also is big on vitamins, almost everything is treated
with vitamins included.  Someone on this list pointed that out so now I
notice it when I am reading about ailments.
Moscow, ID

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