[Jacob-list] LGDs

Debbie Bennett dbennet954 at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 30 12:35:00 EDT 2006

We use llamas to guard. It amazes me that your Jacobs will accept any  
dog, regardless of breed. My Jacobs beat up dogs: the neighbor's pit  
bulls, the old lab we used to have, a couple different herding dogs,  
We now have a German shepherd/hunting dog cross as our family dog.  
The sheep have "accepted" him better than any other dog we've tried.  
The Jacobs beat him up a couple times and he pretty much ignores  
them. He does however, catch up chickens when they stray into the  
garden and has helped us herd a couple stray lambs. He does this by  
cornering and holding the stray until we get there (the hunting  
instincts) and the other night, he rescued a chicken - couldn't see  
in the dark, exactly what had gotten a hold of it, but he chased off  
the predator and held onto the chicken, so we were able to put it  
back in the barn relatively unharmed (missing a few feathers).
Debbie Bennett
Feral Fibre Farm
Oakland, Oregon
On Jul 28, 2006, at 5:31 AM, Judy Watson wrote:

> Elaina,
> 	I think it depends a lot on where you are located and whether
> you are buying a show dog or not.  In Texas it is common to see  
> pups for
> $150 to $200, but I see "breeding stock" (read city bred & raised)  
> dogs
> for up to and over $1000.  I have 2 Anatolians and 1 Anatolian/Great
> Pyr. mix and am extremely pleased with all of them and would trade any
> of them for a truck load of gold.  I think it is important to try  
> to get
> pups from actual working parents, and it is best that they be born and
> grow up around livestock, although this is not always necessary as the
> best Anatolian I have was a "rescue" and had been kept in isolated  
> in a
> small cage for the first 5 months of her life before I got her.  She
> bonded right away with my herd.  I also would never hesitate to have
> another cross as long as it is a cross between LGD breeds (and not
> something else like a herding dog, hunting dog, etc).
> =================================================
> Judy Watson                                        325-938-5403 hm.
> Rt. 2 Box 287                                      325-451-0209 cell
> 330 CR 427
> Goldthwaite, TX  76844
> I-Diamond-I Ranch                         www.IDiamondI.com
> =================================================================
> Does anyone know "typical" prices for various breeds of LGD puppy?  
> e.g.
> Great Pyrenees, Anatolian, Maremma, etc.  A friend
> asked me to post this question.  Thanks,
> Elaina M. Kenyon
> http://www.avillionfarm.com
> Shetland sheep, angora goats, angora rabbits
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