[Jacob-list] alfalfa pellets

Joy Thomas, SonRise Farm shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 27 20:24:15 EST 2006

Yup! The horse hay stretcher pellets are what I've
used in the past and will introduce again this year
when we get our cold snap and ewes are feeding lambs.

Kids also put some of these in their pockets when they
are gentling and halter breaking lambs -- can take out
a pellet to use as an incentive/bribe, they taste good
to lamb and a handful lasts for an entire training and
cuddling session!

Wish I'd used a marking harness this year. I don't
have a clue when lambing will begin. <wry grin here>
BUT I did notice over the weekend one of my border
ewes (left from daughter's prior project) is HUGE,
starting to get an udder, it's turning pink (she'd a
silver ewe, so skin is usually dark) and she's
slurping down the protein tub like there's no

Can't wait for lambs! Really missed it last year!

Happy New Year all!

> I just got a bag of Blue Seal "Horse Hay Stretcher

> Lpel" last week.

Joyce M. Thomas
Son Rise Farm & Rabbitry, Creedmoor NC

Home of The Fiber Flock

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