[Jacob-list] Re: Jacob-list different lamb

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Tue Feb 22 18:45:27 EST 2005

That does sound like it might apply.  Pretty neat to come across a possible explanation in your local newspaper!

Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 09:16:56 -0800 (PST), Victoria da Roza wrote:
> Hi All,
> Don't know is you remember my question on why my wether was born
> without a penis?   Just read an
> article in the newspaper this morning that explains it....if sheep
> mammals are like human mammals.  This talk to the American Assoc.
> for the Advancement of Science was by Dr. Wm. Reiner of the Okla.
> Univ.
> Health Sci. Center.  He was discussing the birth of intersex
> children.   The way it works for boys is that in the uterus there
> is a genetic reaction to
> androgen....the fetus is less responsive to androgen during
> development and they are born without a penis. I sort of wonder if
> his twin brother absorbed the available androgen because he was a
> monster and was butting people when just a few days old and almost
> one third larger than his twin.  In fact when the smaller twin was
> born I thought it was a ewe till I turned him over. Victoria Castle
> Rock Farm

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