[Jacob-list] I-D Powder

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Fri Aug 19 15:05:21 EDT 2005

This is the entire spiel.  I'd just pasted a couple of paragraphs to my original post.  Melody - I did hear about this from Ron Keener, the transporter.  I'd never heard of it before.  I'm curious if it might of use to the occasional lamb that seems to need a boost.  At the very least, it appears that it wouldn't hurt.  
More info at: http://www.colostrum.com
> I-D was originally developed as a total colostrum replacement
> for the dairy industry by a PhD research vet in Iowa - he
> discovered that when I-D is given orally to other species
> it acts as an immune system stimulant - it is very easy to
> prove with blood tests that the animals white cell count
> increases rapidly after just a small oral dose - the active
> white cells search thru the body looking for the source of the
> 'alert' signal and in the process find and destroy inactive,
> latent, weak, just beginning, and active health threats -
> the result is an overall more healthy animal
> I-D is effective on any mammal species from cats to horses
> and on any age animal - this goes against the normal thinking
> about IgG type products - to understand how I-D works you
> must change your line of thinking from 'colostrum replacement'
> to 'immune system stimulant' - once having done that you can
> easily begin to understand what I-D can do for you - very
> small oral doses of I-D in large animals can have a startling
> response but when you think in terms of stimulation this is
> possible - I-D does not do the work - I-D stimulates the
> immune system and the immune system does the work
> if you have not done so yet go to my web site and the
> IDherdtesting site (below) for more information and
> endorsements - also there is lots of technical information
> on the manufacturers web site (also below) - I will also attach
> several text files to this message that will get you started
> in summary:
> I-D liquid is used to get a quick strong immune system response
> - it comes in 120cc bottles for $20 plus shipping/handling
> I-D powder is for longterm immune system maintenance
> - it comes in 1 lb packages for $10 plus shipping/handling
> in both cases dosages are very small even for large animals
> ask as many questions as you want
> thanks again

> I-D Liquid Immune System Booster
> I-D is a natural fluid immune system booster that is based upon cow
> colostrum.  It contains all of the normal antibodies that you would
> expect in colostrum.  I-D is a source of natural antibodies that can
> be administered orally, topically, or intravenous.  When these live
> antibodies are introduced into an animals body they stimulate the
> animals immune system into producing massive amounts of disease,
> infection, and bacteria fighting antibodies.
> I-D does not fight the animals problem.  The animals own body
> responds
> to the challenge loaded with an arsenal of antibodies that it can
> copy
> rather than having to experimentally create antibodies by trial and
> error.  The end result is the animal's immune system is able to
> respond to the situation immediately.  Quite often the immune system
> response is more effective than using a chemical response
> (artificial medicines).
> I-D can be used as a preventative or reactive immune system booster.
> In preventative mode it can be used to build up an animals immune
> system prior to high stress situations such as birth, transport,
> high
> performance, and showing.  In reactive mode I-D can be given to an
> animal at the first sign of a health problem.  Often the energized
> immune system will prevent further development of the problem.
> I-D can be used in conjunction with specialized medications.  The
> animals energized immune system can provide protection from
> secondary
> health problems while the specialized medication attacks the
> primary problem.
> I-D comes from Grade A dairy herds located in central Iowa.  I-D
> production herds are veterinary monitored constantly.
> I-D comes in a 120 ml bottle.  Dosages for goat size animals is
> typically 3 cc per day for 3 days and 2 cc per day for next 3 days.
> I-D has a shelf life of one year when kept refrigerated.  Extended
> exposure to heat or sunlight kills the antibodies.
> Mail order price is $20 per bottle plus shipping and handling.
> A general comment about how I-D works.
> The actual process of immune system stimulation occurs in the
> mouth lining.  Once the I-D is swallowed its effect ends.
> Your goal is to keep the I-D in contact with the mouth lining
> as long as possible.  With the liquid I-D the effect is best if
> the liquid is squirted into the side of the mouth in small
> quantities.  Several small doses per day are more effective
> then one larger dose.  Let the animals slosh the liquid around
> the mouth with their tongue.  Giving the I-D separate from
> other liquids (like babies milk) is the most productive.
> The powder is in contact with saliva and the mouth lining
> while the goat is chewing.  The effect of the powder is much
> slower and meant for long term applications.  The liquid will
> typically show effects within a few hours if it is going to be
> beneficial.
> Remember that the immune system is doing all the work.
> The I-D is just a stimulant.

Getting ready for 2006 lambs!
Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 09:27:00 -0700 (PDT), Liz wrote:
> I'd look into it a little more. The Description that goes along
> with it sounds confusing to me. I work as a laboratory technician
> and used to be a vet tech. It kind of sounds like they have their
> antibodies and antigens messed up. Antibodies are rarely formed
> from other antibodies. The antibodies in colostrum, human, cow,
> sheep, or goat are absorbed as is. It's designed this way becuase
> the babies immune system doesn't produce antibodies right away. So
> the mom is giving antibodies to the baby to protect against any
> antigens that might show up.
> I am however all for anything that can help give antibodies to help
> the immune system out.

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