[Jacob-list] Just when I thought PETA was bad...

Katherine Wisor creeksendfarm at mac.com
Wed Apr 27 22:39:21 EDT 2005

Chris>   Two weeks ago  I had a Sunday visit from a family  who noticed 
my animals from another street and through a stand of woods.  They 
didn't seem friendly but interested that a farm was in the middle of 
Hidden Valley  without them seeing it for years!  The next day I found 
a card from a code enforcement officer that someone had called them 
with a complaint about "animals" nothing specific but she wanted to 
come and "inspect my property for violations " just in case..... When  
Peta's taking the day off they must be sending out spy's !   I emailed 
her and told her she could come anytime on my days off, still have not 
heard from her!    She must be really busy these days keeping critters 
safe!       Have faith it's all of us taking turns..

Katherine Wisor RN
  400 Dawn Circle
Charlotte, NC, 28213
Phone: 704-598-8373.
On Apr 27, 2005, at 7:46 PM, Christopher Brantley wrote:

> Greetings,
> Thought I would share an event that happened this week.I had a call 
> from animal control... one of the deputy's from the sheriff's office 
> called them to report my Jacobs were being neglected.
> Now, my animals have green pasture, running water, hay, salt, shelter, 
> fencing, are fed daily with a grain/se suppliment. They jump in a 
> dancing fashion when I come up with the feed buckets and act more like 
> pet dogs than sheep.
> I invited the animal control folks up to the farm, they took photos of 
> the animals. I demonstrated thier health through physical exams and 
> had a chance to explain the differences between commercial breeds and 
> the Jacobs.
> Needless to say after we were done with their visit, I had a call from 
> the sheriff himself apologizing for his deputy's ignorance and his not 
> contacting me directly first with his concerns.
> Not sure what to make of these people sometimes.
> -Chris
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