[Jacob-list] weaning

Victoria da Roza castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 31 18:05:49 EST 2004

I feel strange asking as so many of the people are
just lambing but I am wondering about weaning.
   I have read 2 sheep books' sections about weaning
and wonder if the advice is just for commercial sheep
or not.  They say 8 weeks  is a good point to wean,
but be careful about mastitis.  
   I am having knee surgery and would like to have
this done for the ones that would qualify at 8 weeks
before the surgery to lessen the load on my husband. 
I hope to have the 2 oldest going somewhere at 8 weeks
also.  The oldest lambs are eating the little grain
and alphalfa treats the ewes get when they come in off
the grass (as well as the lambs eat many of the
wildflowers we have on the hills and the grass their
Moms eat).  They are sampling the water too so I think
in 2 weeks they will be pretty independent.
   So I guess my questions are
   -what age to wean?
   -what do you do with the ewe and lambs during this
    -what do you feed each during this stress period?
    -the books say to give the ewe water only once a
day during this process and poor quality hay. Is this
   Any other hints would be appreciated :-).

Castle Rock Farm
Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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