[Jacob-list] (no subject)

rlynde rlynde at onramp113.org
Wed Mar 31 10:57:13 EST 2004

on Monday we sheared a
> yearling ewe, thin but not in poor condition and pregnant.   I noticed
> today she is shivering

I shear in January. Even in California it can be cold and miserable and
foggy and wet. I provide barn space with plenty of straw and wind
protection. Up until this year I also had an area where I hung a heat lamp.
The sheep do get cold and shivery and look miserable. But that's the only
down-side of shearing before lambing. Everything else is a positive. It
takes a few days or more for the sheep to acclimate. I haven't had any
repercussions from winter shearing other than my guilt when the sheep look
Robin Lynde
Meridian Jacobs
Vacaville, CA

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