[Jacob-list] jugging

Gillian Fuqua gillianfuqua at adelphia.net
Sat Mar 6 08:12:06 EST 2004

	I have been debating about rigging up a jug.  I have two ewes with 
their 2 yearling daughters.  The ewes are bred.  I shut the girls up at 
night in a stall that is about 12X12 due to coyotes.  I am wondering if 
the yearlings are going to interfere with younger siblings if they are 
born when all are inside.  Lambs are due the beginning of April and it 
will still be too wet and muddy to put up the electric so they have to 
be shut up at night.  I can take a hog panel section and divide the 
stall so that a mama who is looking ready can be segregated.
	I guess the basic question is how are these guys at being siblings?


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