[Jacob-list] fashion crisis

Gillian Fuqua gillianfuqua at adelphia.net
Mon Jan 26 20:46:58 EST 2004

	OK, here's my crisis.  For mild winter weather I have a barn coat and 
a lovely long wool coat that I can wear to work.  For really cold 
weather I only have one jacket, my super warm LLBean parka.  After a 
couple of winters with livestock, this jacket is looking like the work 
it does.  Thus it does not look so great when put over that smashing 
work outfit.  So now I am thinking about getting yet another jacket.  
To bring it round to something ovine, I was wondering about how warm 
shearling jackets are.  Morning winter temperatures are frequently at 
least in the single digits below zero up here and we have spells of 
double digit below zero mornings where the day time high is like -5.  
The fantasy is to begin to accumulate tanned  Jacob hides and then hit 
up a friend of mine who sews everything to sew it up.  So warmth is the 
first question, cost will be the second.
	The mad ram stories came at a time when mere motherhood has been 
dangerous for me.  My daughter (she's 7) and I had a snuggling accident 
last week.  I was bending over her to snuggle down at bedtime, she 
remembered something she had to say.  She reared up, her head got me in 
the nose, HARD.  Crunch!  Broken nose!  I got lucky with minimal 
swelling and just pulled it back straight, I think it was the 
cartilage.  I am now trying to think of some desperately more cool 
story to go with a broken nose.  Perhaps I will say that I went to a 
Robert Burn's party and things got too rowdy with the whiskey and the 

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