[Jacob-list] rams

Victoria da Roza castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 26 15:37:53 EST 2004

   Enjoyed the stories about the rams as only one who
has experienced the same can attest to!  Loved the
goat story too as we took care of my daughter's herd
of dwarf Nigerians for almost a year.
   We use a ram shield that is out of leather and goes
on the rams face and blocks his forward view.  We used
to get significant injuries when getting the hay and
he did not think we were getting it fast enough and
would horn the carrier and anyone who was transporting
it.  Now there is only danger when you are in range of
his big horns  which he can swing with the best of
them.  No more charging though.  We have bells on
their collars and the ram has a much bigger bell so
you know when he is coming up behind you to give you a
chance to react.
    We are going to build a shelter for him in one of
the fenced areas where he will not be of such a danger
but will have a nice home till he needs to mingle.  As
with one of the other writers, he has great open wool
and looks like the ram on the JSBA t-shirts, so as of
yet we are not considering the ingredients for haggis :-)

Castle Rock Farm
Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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