[Jacob-list] The Eyes Have it!

ranchrat at telusplanet.net ranchrat at telusplanet.net
Wed May 28 20:00:30 EDT 2003

Heel low:

Questions about eye color (iris).

Jacobs may have amber, blue (sky blue), and marbled (amber & blue) iris color.  
Lilacs may have a different kind of iris hue, sorta an amber with a grey 

I believe Jacobs may have one amber iris and one marbled (or blue) iris.  Has 
anyone ever seen a Jacob with a sky blue eye and a marbled eye?  What are some 
of the unique eye coloration combinations you have seen on one Jacob?

In canines and equines, blue eyes (wall eyes) often have people thinking the 
animal is deaf.  Light colored eyes (sky blue eyes or even amber or yellow 
irises) have some having fits that the animal is going to "sunburn" their eyes 
(a feeling I do not share) so they attempt to breed for the darkest irises 
possible (black being the apparent objective).  ACDogs usually have dark brown 
eyes, yellow eyes are a disqualification in the Canadian Standard, and I have 
seen blue eyed ACDogs (quite rare but may be quite unsettling like the yellow 
eyes because they appear to stare right through you!).  Jacobs appear to have 
variations of iris color with no ill linked affects as in deafness or sunburnt 
eyes (if such a condition actually exists??).

What is the feeling about the inheritance of iris coloration?  In some cases, I 
have seen marbled eyes appear out of nowhere (phenotype did not tattle tale).  
I have seen marbled eyed dams have twin marbled eyed ewes from an amber eyed 
sire and a ewe & ram with no marbled eyes have a marbled eyed lamb.  Does 
anyone know if this condition is a simple dominant/recessive or??  I have yet 
to see "sky blue" Jacob eyes up close and would appreciate it if someone where 
to post me a jpg or put one up for the list to see.

I believe it is possible to have a lilac Jacob with sky blue eyes...what about 
marbled eyes and does the lilac iris coloration always seem to have a grey 
overtone even in the sky blue or marbled condition?

I think all lambs (people included except maybe true albinos) are born with 
bluish eyes that color up.  How long to reveal their adult iris coloration 
(amber, marble, blue).  Anyone note the subtle fading of iris color over time 
in their Jacobs?

I believe marbled eyes continue to change over time...do you find the amber 
encroaching the blue/black or vice versa or both?  Does anyone have a marbled 
eyed Jacob that has remained stable and not had their iris color change?

Doggone eyes are windows to the soul, 

     ____(\                Tara Lee Higgins                  /)____ 
    (_____~>        Rat Ranch - An ACD is for LIFE          <~_____) 
   ( ``  ``          ranchrat at telusplanet.net                ``  `` ) 
    \                       Alberta Canada                         / 
     )  http://www.telusplanet.net/public/ranchrat/index.html     ( 

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