[Jacob-list] Another color question

Linda Bjarkman patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Tue May 6 19:35:37 EDT 2003

It might be useful to see what these sheep produced in previous years.  Is this the 
first year that the "different" patterns show up?  I would consider the patterns 
that you mention to be indications of crossbreeding.  50 to 60% coloration is not 
indicative of cross breeding, but the total lack of a spotting pattern is - in my 
very humble opinion. 
Do these lambs show other indications of crossbreeding - ear size and carriage, 
undersized or lacking horns, wool on the forehead or legs?
I started with a "spinner's flock" of crossbred sheep and bought a Jacob ram for 
color.  I fell in love with the breed and went to purebreds.  But, in the 
transition, I did get solid color sheep (lilac, actually) with Jacob marked heads.  


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