[Jacob-list] side note on nicotine

Kelley Rambo Kelley_Rambo at antiochne.edu
Thu May 1 09:45:02 EDT 2003

Interesting. I hadn't heard of that, but have heard of dusting chickens
with tobacco or using tobacco juice on the perches and such.


CARL FOSBRINK <carlfosbrink at yahoo.com> writes:
>   There was a product called Black Leaf 40, which has been taken off the
>market. It was pure nicotine and I used it on my chickens to keep the
>lice and mites off. I would take a small paint brush and apply a small
>amount to the feathers between the legs and it would keep the lice and
>mites off for months. It was great stuff, but you didn't want to breathe
>the fumes or touch it to the chickens bare skin.
>Carl Fosbrink

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