[Jacob-list] Vt festival

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at sover.net
Fri Mar 21 22:24:47 EST 2003

Hi, all,

I just got word that the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival, the first weekend in October, has named the Jacob as their featured breed this year.  JSBA will have a booth and try to put together a jacob show.  Vendor booths and pens for sheep will be available to rent for the festival.  (the JSBA booth will have info on the jacob, plus logo items and members' handmade jacob items and fleeces, etc. for sale.  A percentage of sales will be taken (10%?) to cover cost of the booth.)

We are hoping that many jacob breeders will come with their wares and sheep, rent space, or help with the JSBA booth, and support this effort. This is the first year they've ever had a featured breed, and I am honored they've chosen our breed.  

If you'd like to come, the show is in Essex Jct., at Champlain Valley Expo, (near Burlington).  There is a campground at the fairgrounds.  OR, I can try to find you a room in the home of friends and VSBA members I know for free.  Let me know!  Royal Unzicker and Bob May have committed to coming and bringing some sheep.  there are a few breeders in Vt. who will be there.  Vermont breeders are basically unfamiliar with sheep shows, as up here, it's mostly 4H youth shows, not adults.  So, this will be a new thing.  Card grading will be included in the show.  There will also be a special jacob class in the fleece contest and a class for stuff knit from jacob yarn.  Possibly yarn as well...still working out details.  We are also hoping to sponsor two one hour workshops: one on the Jacob sheep; one on working with jacob wool.  If you'd like to do one of these, let me know?  (These are generally done by volunteers, no pay, but you do get frree admission to the show!)

Please let me know if you want more info, a place to stay, or have any suggestions to make this a real exciting addition to the Vt. festival.  (It's foliage season up here then, and absolutely gorgeous...so if you were thinking of making a trip to deliver sheep to the NE or some such and can arrange it for that time, you could come to the festival and participate!)

More news as things develop.  Betty Berlenbach
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