[Jacob-list] (no subject)

Susan J Martin stonecroft235 at juno.com
Wed Dec 10 11:33:51 EST 2003

I've noticed that when our ewes are feeling feisty and generally
squabbling, the four horned girls are the most physically aggressive.   I
have one four horned ewe,  bideawee Claire, who has such great presence
and femininity....and she carries that into the boxing ring.   She holds
her head high, and sort of stares down an offender ~ and then sashays
over to give a few well placed head butts and horn hooks..........all
done with a touch of class and never in a mean spirited school yard bully
sort of  way.  

This year I have four ewes with Stonecroft Julian........and he has an
interesting style with the girls.  He is never aggressive toward me, but
he certainly is protective of his harem.  For the first few weeks he kept
this little flock in the lower end of the meadow far from the gate, not
even allowing them into the shed.  He has lightened up a bit, but he
still is quite protective.  When I take hay into the meadow, he moves the
girls away and circles them into a tight group, and then places himself
between me and them.  This is his second year for breeding and as he ages
he is developing a very definite mane of course, long hair on his neck
behind his head ...... sort of like a lion's mane......gives him a wild
look, and the girls seem to think he's pretty special.  He also makes it
clear that he gets to eat first, etc., and the girls don't argue ~ but
then, three of the ewes are yearlings and the 4th one is usually the
underdog of the flock..........no one attempts to usurp his authority and
he continues to think he is God's gift to girl sheep!!!!

Sue Martin

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