[Jacob-list] lamb weight??

Debbie Bennett dbennet954 at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 6 22:44:05 EDT 2003

We are currently eating a two year old ram - had him ground because we 
eat a lot of burger. We got back 57# of meat. I have no idea what he 
weighed, my husband does the killing and the butcher charges $25 flat 
fee for cut and wrap. A couple years ago we put down a six year old ram 
(he had arthritis in his knees and we felt he was suffering) and had 
him made into burger and pepperoni. He was tasty, but probably would 
have been tough done in standard cuts.
Debbie Bennett
Feral Fibre Farm
Oakland, Oregon
On Sunday, April 6, 2003, at 04:47 PM, Bill Thompson wrote:

> Hope you all don't mind if I jump in here.  I have been told "many" 
> times
> that any sheep over 2 yrs old are no good to go to the butcher.  I 
> hope this
> has been miss-information.  Was the 3 yr old ram any good?  Does 
> anyone else
> send older sheep to the locker?  Inquiring minds really would like to 
> know.
> Lou Anne in s.w. Iowa, where it is nasty tonight.  Glad I have lots of 
> wool
> work to do.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Karen <karen at benjaminfarms.com>
> To: <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 4:26 PM
> Subject: [Jacob-list] lamb weight??
>>      Wonder if it is an east coast vs. west coast trait.  My ewe was
>> approx. 90 pounds at a year.  My wether weighed in at 100 lbs. and my 
>> 3
>> yr old ram was 115 lbs. at the butcher.
>> Karen Sigler
>> Benjamin Farms, Utah
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