[Jacob-list] Lambing Question

honeybucket at attbi.com honeybucket at attbi.com
Thu Sep 12 00:25:35 EDT 2002

We were taught by the farmer/doctor/sheep raiser down 
the road who was such a great support and help when we 
started with our first 3 ewes that a new mom really 
appreciates and needs a bucket of warm water with  some 
molasses added.  Some drink it down quick, others take 
their time.  We've had little problem with the majority 
of lambs here--mostly we wake up and there are some 
shiney new faces peering out from behind a mama.  I feel 
very fortunate having these hearty moms that do so well 
on their own.  We've not had problems catching and 
picking up a new lamb and carrying it at mom's eye level 
to the jug they spend the first 2-4 days in.  Of course, 
waiting another day would be another story!!  

> Hi Cheryl.....to add a couple of things off the top of my head...iodine spray or 
> dip for navels....plenty of towels and or newspapers for drying off/cleaning up 
> lambs/ewes.
> I always had a warm bucket of water with some glugs of karo syrup in it...Mom's 
> appreciated the warm sweet drink and would help give them an extra boost of 
> energy.
> couple of extra blankets for yourself...if your like me...you go to check on 
> things and end up sittin awhile!!
> disclaimer:  I am not a vet..I just play one on my own farm/barn!!!
> good luck and tell us what you end up with..is everyone bred?
>                     ~~Kris~~
>                  Burlington, Vt
>          sudduth at adelphia.net
> www.cloudnineacres.homestead.com

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