[Jacob-list] question for those experienced breeders

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 6 17:58:25 EST 2002

I have had Jacob sheep for about three years. Several
I have sold for their unpredictable temperaments and
difficulty in handling.  The ones I have now are calm,
easy to handle (worming, hoof trimming, shearing).
Some even come to the fence for a daily scratch.

I think if you choose your sheep and deal with a
reputable shepherd you'll be okay. Sheep, like people,
have temperaments. A reputable shepherd should be able
to match the sheep to what you're looking for.

Just my thoughts,
Joy Thomas

--- B&B Peters <bandb at in-tch.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am thinking about getting Jacob next year, and so
> have been trying to find
> as much information about the breed as possible.  I
> recently ran into this
> guy who said he at one time that he had Jacob sheep.
>  He claimed he did not
> like them and he called them "neurotic."  A neurotic
> animal doesn't sound
> like something that I would like to have.  What
> kinds of dispositions, or
> temperaments are you finding on your sheep.  Please
> be honest.
> Barbara
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Joy Thomas, Shepherd & Fiber Artist
Son-Rise Farm, Creedmoor NC
Home of The Fleece Flock
Jacob, Shetland & Border Leicester Sheep
Website:   www.shepherdofspots.com
E-Mail:    joy at shepherdofspots.com

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