[Jacob-list] Re: chicken choices

Kelley Rambo Kelley_Rambo at antiochne.edu
Fri Dec 6 20:14:28 EST 2002


I like these websites for information on chickens:

Buff Orpingtons are probably a good choice.  I've looked at them, but have
not had any.  I have had mostly bantams which I like very well.  Small
size, smaller housing needs, eat less, still produce sizeable eggs and
great personalities.  Cochins are great layers, in my experience, and very
good mothers, though you probably won't want a rooster if noise is an
issue.  Aside, bantam roosters are not quite as loud crowers as standard
sized birds.  I used to moderate a listserv on natural chicken care, so if
you need any ideas, feel free to ask.  

Best of luck with your new chickies!


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