[Jacob-list] Fecundity and sterility

Jacobflock at aol.com Jacobflock at aol.com
Thu Aug 8 11:21:05 EDT 2002

I was reading some accounts of this Spring's lambing; one account from 
England cited a Jacob breeder with a 250% lamb crop (1 quint, 1 quad, many 
triplets and twins and only 4 singles out of 30 ewes) and a North American 
breeder that has had a 90% lamb crop with several barren aged (2-4 year old) 

There may be several causes: environmental as well as genetic (like the 
Booroola gene or Inverdale in a heterozygous ewe - multiples - or the 
Inverdale in a homozygouse state - barren ewes).

Are triplets or greater occuring in any flocks ... are any flocks 
experiencing a number of barren ewes ... especially ewes that are barren 
after two or more breedings?  Does either experience "appear" to be familial? 
 Is there any environmental (management) practice that was used and might be 
a cause or contributor ... flushing, swabbing, etc.?  Does anyone have any 
pedigrees of triplets or more producing triplets or more or ... is triplets 
plus a "one time" occurance?

Fred Horak
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