[Jacob-list] Showing Jacobs

Debbie Bennett dbennet954 at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 29 10:21:15 EDT 2001

I didn't say that. I was responding to someone else who wanted 
discussion on this. I said trimming tags and cleaning up our sheep shows 
that we take good care of them and judges can tell what has been done - 
you aren't hiding anything by presenting them well.

Debbie Bennett
Feral Fibre

On Friday, September 28, 2001, at 12:20 PM, Thomas Simmons wrote:

> OK, Debbie, since you were looking for discussion, here goes: :-)
> You wrote, in part:  "I believe that 'trimming' fleeces and 'coloring' 
> horns and hooves should not be allowed. If trimming is allowed, then 
> quilting, hairy foreheads, legs and
> bellies can be hidden. Naturally black horns and hooves are stronger 
> than
> white, thus blacking them can hide a less desirable trait
> On the one hand, I happen to agree with you on the "whats," but 
> disagree 100% on the "whys."  In fact, I think your response validates 
> my own dislike of showing Jacobs.
> More to the point: I agree, there should be no coloring of horns, 
> trimming of fleece, etc.   However, I say this NOT because it "hides" 
> less desirable traits, but because I do not believe that we should buy 
> into the notion that these ARE "undesriable" traits!
> Striped horns and quilting are common traits found in many Jacobs.  To 
> "reveal" them for the purposes of "eliminating" them is to destroy a 
> gene pool in the name of showmanship and aesthetics.  I would say go 
> ahead and show wheep with quilting AND striped horns - and WIN.  These 
> sheep are just as much "Jacobs" as any Jacob that has bred to an 
> aesthetic standard.  To "hide" these qualities assumes that they are 
> "bad"qualities, and I would say the opposite:  they are Jacob qualities.
> thom
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