[Jacob-list] "Scratchy Head"

Jim Spahr spahrfarm at dragonbbs.com
Thu Jul 19 10:46:05 EDT 2001

I agree with Bonnie that there is nothing more gross than maggots!  However, you do need to examine your ewe to make sure that she does not have fly strike.  We had a ram once with a horn injury who tried to scratch and rub his head.  We had our vet come out to take a look and he indeed had maggots which will actually burrow into the skin.  He treated him with antibiotics for the infection and if I can remember correctly, he either poured alcohol or peroxide on the area to get the maggots out.  If you find some, try not to panic.  Get someone to help you.  Good luck!

                                                               Mary Spahr 
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