[Jacob-list] adv:for sale in Colorado

Marilyn McBirney marilynm at cnip.net
Sat Aug 25 18:27:35 EDT 2001

Hello all, just hoping to find homes for some of my flock... hay costs are
up, stock market is down and I have to cut costs!  I'm reducing my flock by
1/2, down to 20.  I have rams, ewes and lambs.  I would be interested in
trading out a four horned ram lamb for unrelated blood lines. I'm putting
together a brochure of photos and lineage, please email or phone me if you
are interested (sorry, not available yet on web site).  Original bloodlines
from '93 are mostly Maverick and Rockies.  I brought in a Joy Farm ram 4
years ago and now have many daughters/grandaughters and need to move him
out. He has great wool, 2 horned. All sheep are $100 ea, discounts for more
than 5 purchased. All are JSBA registered or registerable. 2H and 4H
available. Delivery available within 200 miles.  Thanks!

Marilyn McBirney
Rising Sun Farm
Pueblo,   Colorado
719-948-4622  after 7pm Mtn time
marilynm at coyotenet.net

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