[Jacob-list] horny question :o)

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Fri Aug 24 11:34:29 EDT 2001

>ND.....Linda brought up the weepy horn and diminished blood flow to the
>laterals as being the problem with too-large or tight horns.......has this
>happened in 100% of these animals and at WHAT AGE?  Since many of you have
>seen pictures of the "infamous ram, Esau, I mention him here......My ram I
>am referring to standing here today (that made me question the whole horn
>size issue in the first place) looks like he will have much larger horns
>than Thom's Esau, but the same overall conformation---just that the horns
>are much larger.  This ram is 5 months old now and hasn't yet shown any
>signs of weepiness between the horns.


I have seen this for years - it is more evident as the rams mature - go out 
and feel your rams horns.  At the base and as you feel along the horn 
toward the end you can feel as the warmth leaves the horn.  I suppose that 
is where the blood flow stops.  and on the lower horns as the upper and 
more pronounced and larger horns mature the blood flow stops on the lower 
horns - they just sort of die I suppose.  Someone like Peter can explain 
this in more detail.  That is why I have almost always kelp the rams with 
wider spaces between horns.  If I had to guess I would probably put my ram 
cull rate at 90 or 95% - and although color - presence - size - and other 
factors were included HORNS were always my first priority.

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Edd Bissell
New Market, Tn.

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