[Jacob-list] Re:Lilac / fadeing

Grose NLGrose at Yadtel.net
Tue Aug 7 13:20:51 EDT 2001

In our flock, lilacs fade no more than the blacks, maybe less. We have a pretty good history on our lilacs and it is clearly expressed as we would expect Simple Mendelian inheritance to be within the Jacob breed, it is when we make test crosses that we start running into snags. 

Louise is pretty good with colors, but we're not real clear yet that we are all seeing the same thing. Suppose that we look at this as a dyeing problem. Dominant Jacob black is a saturated color, over-dyed if you will. [Technically it is over-dyed brown.] What would you "lock out" of the dye bath to get lilac? Our longwool/Finns are steel gray with brown tones, but are visually quite different from the lilacs. Not only are we not agreeing on what lilac is, we do not seem to have good agreement on what black is. Could Jacob black be due to a repeat of the Extension locus? Could "lilac" knock out part of the reading of the gene?
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