[Jacob-list] Brownie troops and seasons

iseespots iseespots at email.msn.com
Mon Oct 2 17:20:44 EDT 2000

Hi everybody.

WHEN is it a safe time to have the "general public" out to the farm?

I held off the public school kids last year until I was pretty sure that
they wouldn't happen upon a lamb delivery, as the NC public school system
rather frowns on teaching that topic in the early grades.

The home schoolers were happy and tickled and got to witness quite a number
of births----2-3 feet from everything with moms recounting their own
experiences in glee all the while.

Today, we had a Brownie troop out to check out the sheep and the bunnies.
The Jacobs have been relatively busy prior to this, and it SHOULD be too
early for the Shetlands.  Just as I was directing their attention over to
the Shetland area----what should I observe???!?!?!  We quickly changed the
topic to rabbits and the focus on the northeast corner of the property was
diverted to the northwest in a quick about-face maneuver!

I think we will have another "learning day on the farm" with shearing day
this spring and the homeschoolers, as one of the Brownie leaders was a part
of that last year and wants to return next year.

Mary Ellen
ISeeSpots Farm www.iseespots.com
Home of Jacob Sheep, Shetland Sheep,
and German Angora Rabbits, colored German Angora crosses.
Renewable fleeces, loving personalities, friends.

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