[Jacob-list] fleeces

klfoster klfoster at netins.net
Thu Jul 6 23:58:31 EDT 2000

I have also noticed that the softer fleeces have a shorter length.  My medium fleeces are longer and the the longest of all have been my 2 sheep I call the "rug wool Jacobs".  Their 6-7" coarse wool is great for woven rugs, but I'd never want to wear it.  I have also noticed that my softest Jacobs tend to shed more and because of this (I think) they have a tendency to mat or felt. Does anyone else have Jacobs that shed a lot?  Does this have to do with the fleece type or is it just the genetics of these particular sheep?  (My 2 softies are mother and daughter.)
                                                                Laurie Foster
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