[Jacob-list] pens for rams

Heather Hettick hettick.1 at osu.edu
Thu Aug 31 08:33:39 EDT 2000

I'm in Ohio and had two ewes obviously creating a stir among the rams in
early August so I quickly separated my two rams and the two butcher ram
lambs and they are in pairs in my two barn stalls until I have time to get
everyone ready and separated into breeding groups.  Hopefully starting this

I have one stall with really high sides made of 2 X 8s which has held up to
temporarily housing rams on opposite sides, but my plan is to keep one
breeding group outside and the other inside to prevent too much damage to my
stalls.  The rams I have this year seem pretty mellow so far, although they
push each other around over their grain treats.  I just hope they stay that
way and don't get too jealous of each other's ewes. This will be my first
breeding season with two rams.  The butcher lambs actually fight more
ferociously, over grain, and I can't wait until they're gone.  They all
definitely seem much happier with a pen-mate though.  We had a lot of
problems with a previous ram that we kept penned alone.  He was aggressive
towards us and would try to jump over his stall to get to the ewes, hence
the high sides on one stall now.  During late pregnancy last year and into
lambing season, we used some Angora goats as friends for our new ram and it
worked wonderfully.  I just didn't like the lice that came with the goats.

Heather Hettick
Moonstruck Jacob Sheep
Creston, OH
hettick.1 at osu.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: jacob-list-admin at jacobsheep.com
[mailto:jacob-list-admin at jacobsheep.com]On Behalf Of CARL FOSBRINK
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 10:50 PM
To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
Subject: [Jacob-list] pens for rams

         hello everyone! when is the best time to
seperate your rams from the ewes in order to keep them
from getting bred before you want them bred?
         also, would you recommend keeping each ram
completely seperate if you definitely didn't want
their horns to get broken off, especially the spring
ram lambs that look very promising?
          what size of pen would you recommend and
what material would be best? would wooden 2x6s or 2x8s
be better than tube gates for instance?
          all suggestions welcome.

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